Beef to School Program

Mobridge-Pollock Child and Adult Nutrition Program

Beef to School Project

We aim to implement a program that supports local producers, enhances the school lunch program, and provides educational opportunities in agriculture, health, and nutrition. The Mobridge-Pollock School Lunch program seeks local beef for our lunch program. The lunch program currently uses beef from USDA commodities food distributors. For this program to be successful,  local producers, community members, and the Mobridge-Pollock School District will work together to bring healthy, nutritious, and flavorful beef to the students in the district. The program pairs educational opportunities with high-quality, locally-produced beef for our lunch program.

Beef to School Information

The Mobridge-Pollock School District is asking ranchers to donate locally raised beef for this program. By participating, local producers will provide our students with higher-quality meat and help reduce district food costs.

Producers can donate a quality animal by submitting a commitment letter or by contacting the school to schedule an animal for processing. The producer will receive a receipt for the donation that may provide a tax incentive.

The Mobridge-Pollock School District will pay for processing fees.

Monetary donations can be made to the Mobridge-Pollock School District and sent to the school. The purpose of this fund includes, but is not limited to, the purchase of quality animals from local producers to assist in sustaining the program.

Types of beef that can be donated:

Market Steers

Open Heifers

Cull Cows and Cull Bull – processed into pure ground beef

Student Benefits

Students will have high-quality, good-tasting, locally raised beef for lunch. Beef is essential for children because it supports the growth, repair, and maintenance of the body and provides fuel for physical activity. High-quality protein is vital in building and maintaining a healthy body and provides the nutrients needed for healthy brain development and function.

Students will be able to learn about nutrition and lifelong healthy eating habits.

Students understand the importance of agriculture in the community and our world.

School Benefits

Mobridge-Pollock Schools will utilize locally raised beef rather than purchasing all beef through a food service provider.

The program will allow students to see firsthand the impact of the beef industry.

Community Benefits

The program keeps money local, connects the school and the community, and increases awareness of the food in school lunches.

Recognition of Donors

The Mobridge-Pollock School District appreciates the community's willingness to give and support all of our programs and wants to recognize those who contribute. Recognizing all donors helps our students understand where their food is coming from and the program's value.

Beef Donors

Radio/Newspaper recognition

Invited to school luncheon

Recognized on the school website

Annual Banner Recognition

Opportunities to promote "Beef" at school activities

According to the South Dakota Department of Agriculture and the Farm to School USDA Office of Community Food Systems guidelines, the meat processing facility must be approved to process locally raised beef for the Mobridge-Pollock School District. Cattle producers are asked to notify the school of their intention to donate. The district will then schedule their cattle for meat processing.


To donate monetary obligations, please make checks payable to Mobridge-Pollock School District and send them to:

Mobridge-Pollock School District

Attn: Beef in Schools Program

1107 1st Avenue East

Mobridge, SD 57601