About Us
The primary function of the Mobridge-Pollock Public School System is to promote the well-rounded and continuous growth of its youth into effective citizens in a democratic society. To attain this goal the school shall endeavor to provide a suitable environment for helpful guidance, training, and experiences which will assist each student to become better adjusted in his/her family, social, and business relationships, concerned for his/her own welfare and the welfare of others, open-minded on controversial issues, trained in work habits, skills, and logical reasoning, and prepared for profitable and gratifying use of leisure time. Furthermore, the school shall provide for the physical and moral wellbeing of each student. Finally, the school shall cooperate with the home, church, and other community forces to build the educative experience of its youth.
Address 1107 1st Avenue East
Mobridge, SD 57601
Phone 605-845-9200
Fax 605-845-3455