Tiger Punch Cafe

It’s Tiger Punch Café & Impresso Expresso Time


Tiger Punch Café and Impresso Expresso, MPHS’s culinary arts student-operated café is open to the public starting January 12, Fridays from 12 - 1 pm. Be sure to check the school announcements from Mondays to Wednesdays to see if they’re open. Food and drinks must be preordered by Wednesday the latest by calling (605)-8459200 ext.249 or emailing cafe.mobridgepollock@k12.sd.us. Cash and check (only from Mobridge Pollock School staff) payment upon pick-up.


Since the recent opening of Tiger Punch Café, the culinary arts students have been serving their creations to the Mobridge-Pollock School staff and students. Culinary arts students run the cafe to gain practical and hands-on experience in a controlled and supportive environment. This learning experience encompasses culinary skills as they also learn business and management skills like time management, cost control, customer service, and gain an entrepreneurial mindset. The funds raised will be used to enhance culinary arts students’ learning experience by purchasing new equipment and supplies, participate in culinary field trips and events, and develop community programs and outreach projects.


The Culinary Arts program of the Career Technical Education pathway for high school students is open for students – 10th through 12th graders – who are interested in pursuing a career in Tourism and Hospitality Management. For more information regarding the CTE-Hospitality & Tourism program, please visit the Culinary Arts Class Google Site: https://sites.google.com/k12.sd.us/mphs-cte-ht/home