Katie Konold

Katie Konold

High School Life Science teacher

Middle School Volleyball and Basketball coach

Mrs. Konold grew up on a ranch and enjoyed her rural upbringing in small town Wyoming. After graduating high school she attended the University of Mary in North Dakota. Mrs. Konold has done graduate work at Wayne State College and Northern State University. Mrs. Konold is in her 16th year of teaching and enjoys coaching basketball. Mrs. Konold married her college sweetheart and has three beautiful children.

Mrs. Konold teaches Biology, Anatomy & Physiology, Integrated Science, and Environmental Science.


Period 1: Biology

Period 2: Integrated Science

Period 3: Environmental Science

Period 4: Biology


Period 5: Environmental Science

Period 6: Anatomy & Physiology

Period 7: Plan

"The important thing is to never stop questioning"

Albert Einstein  


Retake policy:

If you have no missing work, you may retake any assessment up until the end of the quarter. Mrs. Konold will use the higher grade of the two.



605-845-9200 ext 234